Guided Reflection-Healthy Brains

This is my reflection on a webinar, The 4 Components Infants Need for Healthy Brain Development, with Angela Fraley.

Face time: here's how infants learn from facial expressions | Parent24

What did you know about this topic before viewing the webinar?

Before viewing the webinar, I knew that the development of children’s brains is rapid from birth until they are three years old. Four major areas of development include language, physical, social, and emotional. The development of a child’s brain is referred to as cognitive development. It involves the growth of their intellectual capabilities and their ability to think and solve problems.

2-How do you feel about this approach to infant care and development?

I feel like this is an amazing approach because I never thought of it while caring for an infant. Being present will allow you to provide them with the best possible start. Also, to support a child’s healthy brain development is responsive and nurturing care for their body and mind. Negative or positive experiences can have lifelong effects on a child’s development. It amazes me how infants warn us about their emotions through crying or body movements. Each movement represents something, according to the webinar. For example, if they arch their back, it means they don’t feel safe.

3-How could you apply this philosophy in your teaching practice?

I can apply this philosophy to my teaching practice by learning how to deal with infants the right way. For example, if they cry, that doesn’t mean they are hungry; they might not feel safe. Also, while talking to them, they cry, which means they are overwhelmed by all the talking and need a break. Face-to-face interactions are essential. Your mind needs to be present too. Therefore, being fully engaged is very important for children. They learn about themselves and the world around them.

4-Look around the Conscious Discipline website; what else do you find surprising or interesting to you, and why?

After looking around the Conscious Discipline website for some time, I was surprised that I didn’t know anything about this website. This great website has free resources once you sign up, which is completely free. After signing up, you get access to over 200 free digital resources, including printable, song lyrics, Shubert extension activities, and much more.


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