A Guided Reflection- Language for Learning

This is a guide reflection based on Language for Learning: Infants and Toddlers. I will describe two examples for each of the 6 areas of language encouragement.

1. Concept development-using descriptive language-

  1. pointing out objects like pictures of family members and asking questions like “where is mommy and where’s daddy.”
  2. Describing a toy while holding it, “black and white zebra”

2. Describing events and actions

  1. Talk to the baby while changing diapers, “where is your clean diaper” and “one foot? Where is the second foot.”
  2. Making sure the toddler is washing their hands the right way.

3. Social and emotional development

  1. Asking questions and then pausing to give children time to respond verbally or non-verbally.
  2. Acknowledge positive interactions as children play well together

4. Responding to communication attempts

  1. An infant can be fed or put to rest if they’re crying. To make them more comfortable, speak to them while they’re being held.
  2. When an infant turns around and approaches a person, they show that they’re aware of something.

5. Positive language for guidance

  1. Positive responses to a child’s behavior include saying “good job” or giving lots of kisses and hugs.
  2. Positive statements and calming words are also needed as you talk to infants about the various safety measures that you are taking, for instance, “feet on the floor.”

6. Using language during daily activities

  1. When toddlers stand up while eating, remind them to sit down and say, “you have to sit down if you are chewing.”
  2. When someone serves them, teach them to say thank you.